Lavender Lemon Gin and Tonic
This gorgeous, and delicious, Lavender Lemon Gin and Tonic also puts on a light show. Using a purple gin, you can change the color of this drink when you add lemon and tonic.
Gin and Cabernet Sour
The aptly named Gin and Cabernet Sour is a creative and delicious cocktail, and perfect for that leftover red wine. It's gorgeous to boot, and easy to create the layers.
BVD Americano
The BVD Americano takes a rich and bold rum and gin drink and turns it a bit. Use Cocchi Americano instead of vermouth for new tastes.
Jolly Gin Giant
This horribly named gin cocktail is a great way to use fresh cucumbers, mint, and basil with gin. I give you, reluctantly, the Jolly Gin Giant. And it's quite good.
Iced Cranberry Gin
If you want your gin cocktail to be delicious, easy, and reminiscent of a perfect summer iced tea, this Iced Cranberry Gin is for you.
Cocchi Citrus Spritz
Enjoy a light and refreshing spritz gin cocktail with the Cocchi Citrus Spritz. Gin and Cocchi Americano are joined by fresh citrus and soda for an easy sipping drink.
Sweet Citrus and Flowers Gin Cocktail
Hang onto your sweet tooth for this gin drink! The Sweet Citrus and Flowers Gin Cocktail is packed with orange flavors and flowers for a sweet treat.
11 Unique 3-Ingredient Gin Cocktail
11 of the easiest and most unique 3-ingredient gin drinks. There's something here for every taste!
Cherry White Negroni
A wild take on the classic Negroni gin cocktail, the Cherry White Negroni takes creates more hints of orange and cherry, while toning down the usual bitterness with Cocchi Americano.
The Best Gin Drinks with Elderflower!
7 of the most unique and original gin drinks that feature elderflower liqueur. Each is tasty, unusual, and easy to make at home!