Honey Ginger Gin and Tonic
If you think the Honey Ginger Gin and Tonic will be a liquid cough drop, you are mistaken. This s**t is perfect if you happen to love soft, subtle flavors, like honey, lemon, and ginger. And can you ever go wrong with a G & T? Absolutely NOT!
For this beaut, we used a simple London Dry. The honey flavors were just enough to discern them from the rest of what’s going on. If you truly LOVE honey flavors, try making this with a gin that highlights honey. Barr Hill, in Vermont, makes one, so does Tamworth Distilling in neighboring New Hampshire.
Honey Ginger Gin and Tonic
- 1.5 Oz. Gin
- 2 Bar spoons Honey syrup – make your own
- 2 Bar spoons Ginger liqueur
- 2 Wheels Fresh lemon
- Light tonic to top
- Candied ginger for garnish
- This is such an easy drink to assemble in your balloon glass!
- It's easiest to put a few pieces of ice in your balloon glass, then wedge some lemons down the sides, then add some more ice.
- Then add your gin, honey syrup, and ginger liqueur.
- Top with a light tonic!
- You can stir with your bar spoon.
- Top with candied ginger. These actually add some nice sweet flavors if you drop them in your cocktail!
Some notes on the Honey Ginger Gin and Tonic.
Go NUTS with your ginger liqueur, like Domaine de Canton, if you love ginger flavors. This recipe really strives to be super light, with hints of ginger. Adding the ginger candy absolutely makes a difference. If you are a ginger fanatic, add more! The two bar spoons of ginger liqueur are roughly equivalent to less than 1/4 of an ounce.
Same with the honey! For more of a honey pop, pump up the honey syrup. Or use one of those honey gins! Or both!
Enjoy this warm weather sipper. Using a balloon glass also captures all of the flavors and aromas and goodness that is this drink. Enjoy!
If you REALLY Love ginger flavors, the Gin and Ginger Martini is right up your alley.