  • The Orange Gin Martini

    Orange Gin Martini FI

    This bold Orange Gin Martini is a spin on a traditional martini, adding some hints of orange flavor with Cointreau and orange bitters. Don't forget the vermouth to finish!

  • The Way Too Much Gin Cocktail

    Way Too Much Gin Cocktail FI

    Hang on for a flavor explosion in the Way Too Much! Gin, Campari, and Pamplemousse with Cocchi Americano provide for a flavor explosion.

  • The Chocolate Century Gin Drink

    The Chocoloate Centrury Gin Cocktail FI

    The Chocolate Century Gin Cocktail has walnut, chocolate, apéritif, adn gin flavors all swirling around beautifully. Add as much chocolate on top as you like!

  • Gin and Lavender Apéritif

    Gin and Lavender Aperitif FI

    The Gin and Lavender Apéritif checks off lots of boxes - a pre-dinner cocktail with Cocchi Americano, fresh ingredients of lemon and lavender, and of course, gin.

  • The Eventide Gin Cocktail

    Eventide Gin Cocktail FI

    The Eventide Gin Cocktail is simple and quick to make, equal parts Cocchi Americano and Gin, with a touch of bitters. It's strong, unique, and delicious!

  • Water Lily Gin Cocktail

    Water Lily Gin Cocktail FI

    The Water Lily Gin Cocktail pairs delightful violette flavors with gin, orange, and lemon. A garden party in a glass.

  • Lavender Lemon Gin and Tonic

    Lavender Lemon Gin and Tonic Cocktail FI

    This gorgeous, and delicious, Lavender Lemon Gin and Tonic also puts on a light show. Using a purple gin, you can change the color of this drink when you add lemon and tonic.

  • Gin and Cabernet Sour

    Gin and Cabernet Sour FI

    The aptly named Gin and Cabernet Sour is a creative and delicious cocktail, and perfect for that leftover red wine. It's gorgeous to boot, and easy to create the layers.

  • BVD Americano

    BVD Americano FI

    The BVD Americano takes a rich and bold rum and gin drink and turns it a bit. Use Cocchi Americano instead of vermouth for new tastes.

  • Jolly Gin Giant

    Jolly Gin Giant Cocktail FI

    This horribly named gin cocktail is a great way to use fresh cucumbers, mint, and basil with gin. I give you, reluctantly, the Jolly Gin Giant. And it's quite good.