  • Honey Ginger Gin and Tonic

    Ginger Honey Gin and Tonic FI

    If you think the Honey Ginger Gin and Tonic will be a liquid cough drop, you are mistaken. This s**t is perfect if you happen to love soft, subtle flavors, like honey, lemon, and ginger. And can you ever go wrong with a G & T? Absolutely NOT! For this beaut, we used a simple London Dry. The honey flavors were just enough to discern them from the rest of…

  • How to Dehydrate Your Own Cocktail Garnishes

    dehydrated garnish for gin cocktail.

    Why of course you should dehydrate garnishes for gin cocktails. It’s easy. And apologies in advance for using the word curated in this article.  While I despise it, “curated” can be used to make a sarcastic and tart comment.  Can’t help myself. Ever ventured into the world of dehydrating things? These dried up little treats are delightful for adding color, texture, and flavor to gin. You can easily dehydrate your…

  • Luxardo Cherry Recipe

    Luxardo Cherries FI

    You can certainly buy some Luxardo Maraschino cherries for your gin cocktail garnishes, but why do that when you can make your own with this Luxardo Cherry recipe. When cherries are in season, of course. A few simple ingredients and a bit of time by the stove and you end up with decadent Luxardo cherries. This recipe is easy, and if you make a little more syrup than what the…